Yang Xiao-fu
Director, Obstetrics Unit 7, Women’s Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University Chief Physician Obstetrics Unit 7, Women’s Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Member, Expert group of Prenatal Diagnosis Center in Zhejiang Province
Member, Expert group of Fetal Medicine Center in Zhejiang Province
Member, Expert group of Identification of Abnormal Vaccination in Zhejiang Province
Commissioner, Maternal-Neonatal Transmission Committee of Preventing Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS inZhejiang Province
Education Background:
Master Degree, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Health care and nutrition guidance during pregnancy, obstetric complications(especially pregnancy associated with hepatic disease), fetal diseases
Research Interests:
Fetal diseases, preventing maternal-infant transmission of HBV, ICP