Tian Yong-hong
associate chief physician
2001-2007 Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and TechnologyMD
1999-2001 Jining Medical College MB
1996-1999 Taishan Medical College
Reproductive endocrinology
Research Interests:
spermatogenesis, oogenesis and contraception
Research Narrative:
1.Noninvasive clinical assay for differential diagnosis of azoospermia:
One of the important issues in male reproductive medicine is to determine, using the least invasive technology, men with azoospermia have mature spermatozoa in their testes or not. Azoospermia is found in 10-15% of infertile men and accurate judgment of the spermatogenic status of the testis is undoubtedly very important for the treatment of azoospermia patients. It can avoid unnecessary surgery, either definitive diagnosis or the prediction of sperm retrieval, and help with the adoption of assisted reproductive methods.
2.Epigenetic Effects of EndocrineDisrupting Chemicals in Male Germ Cell:
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) interfere with the body function, affectinghuman reproduction and have gained wide attention. But the reality is thatpollutants can not be fundamentally treated and that the number of endocrinedisruptors is increasing. So, under the stress of EDCs, the molecular mechanism,especially at point of epigenetical view, of success of reproduction is urgentto study. Gamete imprinting gene is one of the possible candidate mechanisms forits "escape" of methylation erase.From anevolutionary perspective, all that will be help to reveal that, under EDCs stress,the gametic transmission strategy of imprinting genes epigenetic modification andthe possible molecular mechanism.
1. Zhang F, Li LJ, Wang LQ, Yang LM, Liang ZY, Li JP, Jin F, Tian YH.Clinical characteristics and treatment of azoospermia and severe oligospermia patients with Y-chromosome microdeletions. Mol Reprod Dev, 2013,80(11): 908-15.
2. Tian YH, Zhang FB, Zhang XZ, Li LJ, Wang LQ, Shi BW, Xu J.Depression of HspA2 in human testis is associated with spermatogenic impairment and fertilization rate in ICSI treatment for azoospermic individuals. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2014 ;31(12):1687-93.
3. Tian YH, Li LJ, Zhang FB, Xu J.Seminal plasma HSPA2 mRNA content is associated with semen quality.J Assist Reprod Genet. 2016 Aug;33(8):1079-84.
4. Jing-Ping Li, Xin-Zong Zhang, Jing-Gen Wu, Zhong-Yan Liang, Yong-HongTian, Chong Chen,Yun-Ge Tang, Feng-Bin Zhang*. Seminal plasma neutral alphaglucosidase activity as an early predictor of patency and natural pregnancy aftermicrosurgical vasoepididymostomy. Andrologia. 2019;e13235.